Alphonse Mucha
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Relative Negro population of the states of the United States

The states of the United States according to their Negro population

Negro population of Georgia

Negro population of Georgia by counties

Negro population of Georgia by counties

Comparative increase of white and colored population of Georgia

Migration of Negroes

Age distribution of Georgia Negroes compared with France

Conjugal condition

City and rural population

Slaves and free Negroes

Race amalgamation in Georgia based on a study of 40000 individuals of Negro descent


Negro children enrolled in the public schools

Negro teachers in Georgia public schools

Number of Negro students taking the various courses of study offered in Georgia schools

Value of land owned by Georgia Negroes

Acres of land owned by Negroes in Georgia

Land owned by Negroes in Georgia, USA
1870 - 1900

Valuation of town and city property owned by Georgia Negroes

Assessed valuation of of all taxable property owned by Georgia Negroes

Negro property in two cities of Georgia

Value of farming tools

Assessed value of household and kitchen furniture owned by Georgia Negroes

Occupations in which 10000 or more American Negroes are engaged

Occupations of Negroes and whites in Georgia


Occupations and income

Condition of 300 Negro farm tenants after 1 year's toil

Income and expenditure of 150 Negro families in Atlanta Ga., USA

Family budgets

Family budgets

Albany Dougherty County Ga. Distribution of 2500 Negro inhabitants

McIntosh County Georgia

Darien McIntosh Co. Ga. Distribution of 1000 Negro inhabitants

A series of statistical charts illustrating the condition of the descendants of former African slaves now in residence in the United States of America

Distribution of Negroes in the United States.

Increase of the Negro population in the United States of America

Comparative rate of increase of the white and Negro elements of the population of the United States

Negro population of the United States compared with the total population of other countries

Proportion of Negroes in the total population of the United States

Occupations in which American Negroes are engaged

Proportion of whites and Negroes in the different classes of occupation in the United States

Occupations in which 10000 or more American Negroes are engaged

Number of Negro teachers in the public schools of the United States

Illiteracy of the American Negroes compared with that of other nations

Enrollment in the Negro common schools of the former slave states of the United States

Proportion of total Negro children of school age who are enrolled in the public schools

The rise of the Negroes from slavery to freedom in one generation

Proportion of freemen and slaves among American Negroes

City and rural population among American Negroes in the former slave states

Conjugal condition of American Negroes according to age periods

The amalgamation of the white and black elements of the population in the United States

Assessed value of property owned by Negroes in three states of the United States

Negro landholders in various states of the United States

Negro business men in the United States

Pauperism among American Negroes

Mortality of American Negroes

Crime among American Negroes

American Negro newspapers and periodicals

Religion of American Negroes